The True Story of the Holy Family

My books are also live on Googles Play and Google Books: Dennis J Foley.

A 5 Stars Review on Amazon.

The True Story of the Holy Family delivers as it promises.                  It is extremely well researched and explores the true 
story of Jesus and his family that the 
New Testament fails to cover. 
This book goes back to the birth of his 
mother then the story slowly tracks
 and proceeds from there. One needs 
to have an open mind to enjoy this
ocean of rare information that is very much worth it. The writing style of 
Dennis is lucid and engaging. It helps 
readers flow through the pages rapidly 
and get immersed in the narrative. 
This book deserves so much attention.


A 5 Stars Review on Amazon.

‘The True Story of the Holy Family’,  by Dennis J. Foley

The True Story of the Holy Family delivers as it promises. It is extremely well researched and explores the true story of Jesus and his family that the New Testament fails to cover. This book goes back to the birth of his mother then the story slowly tracks  and proceeds from there. One needs to have an open mind to enjoy this ocean of rare information that is very much worth it. The writing style of Dennis is lucid and engaging. It helps readers flow through the pages rapidly and get immersed in the narrative. This book deserves so much attention. 



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Author Dennis J. Foley

Author of the Books This Site and Founder The True Christ World Church LLC.

